
Bird's Nest in Beijing

예/원/디/자/인/마/을 2017. 12. 30. 14:39

Bird's Nest in Beijing 

Bird's Nest Modeling


새둥지 모델링 방법에 대한 예제입니다.

팁정도로 알아두시면 좋을듯 싶네요. .



Check out David Fano's great site, Design ReForm. There's a question on the Max forum about the Bird's Nest in Beijing; I'm not certain if mine is doing exactly the same thing(!) but it's a start.

1. (Blue) NURBS massing of skin.
2. SurfDeform (WSM) Modifier applied to (Green) Plane Object.
3. Go down the stack to adjust Plane Object to fit massing.
4. Plane Object used as template for (Blue) Spline pattern (this one tiles horizontally). Apply Normalize Spline Modifier to allow it bend. Apply Sweep Modifier.
5. Instance of the SurfDeform (WSM) Modifier applied to Spline pattern.
6. You can duplicate the Spline pattern and play around. Perhaps slide pattern around NURBS massing (U Percent), experiment with layering effects etc.